
About Japarec

I want you to improve your skills to fulfill your future dreams. "Japarec" was made from such a wish. Currently, Japanese companies are also seeking excellent foreign human resources. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn Japanese and we will support your work.

Reason for choosing.1

Free Japanese You can learnE-learning service

You can use "Japanese Learning E-Learning (Free)" so that you can learn Japanese online at any time and anywhere you like. This is a practical curriculum supervised by licenced Japanese language teachers. Learn every day from your smartphone or computer!

You can learn a wide range of questions corresponding to the JLPT and Skills Test. After studying, you can take a "review test". The results are also displayed, which can be used to overcome weaknesses before the test. You can check the progress of the study and the score of the test, etc. in the "Result Check". Go for your goals.

Reason for choosing.2

After skill up EmployersChoose and match!

There are many companies that are looking for excellent human resources as international students and apprentices living overseas and in Japan. Japarec offers a system that can match these two conditions. We will support your employment with improved skills. Members can use it free of charge.

Reason for choosing.3

Safe and fulfillingsupport system

If you want to find a job in your home country or in Japan, each one is different. Necessary skills according to work style each is different. Get the skills you need provides various support.

Service Flow